is finally complete!

After much pain, and with the assistance of a generous stranger, the old phpbb board has finally been updated and is available now at! All user permissions have been set to read only, and all visitors are free to search the board and browse it at their leisure.

The FinchForum phpbb board is a library of avicultural insight with post history spanning from 2006 to 2019, loaded with pictures, tutorials, and memories from beloved users. We’re thrilled that it’s been saved!

Barbara Stoll
Regarding the Old Finchforum Phpbb Board

I’d like to extend my deepest and sincerest apologies to those of our members expecting the archival of our old phpbb web board. I understand there’s tons of useful data stored on it, and I’m trying very hard to get that board posted back up as quickly as possible. Rest assured, I’m just as frustrated as some of you may be.

Unfortunately, we’re experiencing issues getting the board updated and thus eligible for rehosting. Phpbb as a platform is indistinguishable from rubbish, and the same unfortunately goes for their support team. It is excessively complicated to troubleshoot, and support unfortunately gives answers just as vague as your local fortune teller.

I’ve been in and out of support over a two week period in an attempt to troubleshoot, and will continue working on it in the coming days.

Thank you for your patience,


Barbara Stoll
Expect periodic downtime for

Over the course of the next few weeks, I will be working to update the php version of the old green FinchForum board. Dreamhost, our web host, no longer supports the version of php the board uses. This may result in a loss of the old FinchForum gallery, as the framework responsible for the gallery will not be supported by the forum’s php update (updates tend to break things instead of fix them these days, as you can see). I have the gallery backed up, and hopefully I’ll find an updated version of an add-on that would restore the gallery when the board upgrade is complete.

Expect periodic downtime for as the days roll by.


A Comprehensive Guide to Handfeeding Finches - By Babs

Hand-feeding is a popular topic and a problem many encounter when owning finches.
The key to hand-feeding is attentiveness and accuracy; with this comprehensive guide, you’ll develop the skills it takes to channel your inner mama-bird!

The #1 rule is to keep babies in a warm brooder while feeding until they’re fledged. Do NOT remove the babies and do NOT play with them.

So lets start with formula. Always heat the formula from between 95 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit.
Use Kaytee Exact Hand Feeding Formula; you can find this formula at a wide variety of pet stores or sites online. is available. If you need to backup anything, do it now!

DreamHost has brought the old FinchForum board back online to give me some time to update it. You may access it here:

The board is running on an outdated version of phpbb, and if I upgrade, it is possible that the gallery may be lost.

Once again, if you need to backup anything from the board, write down contacts, or especially save contents from the gallery, do so immediately and register an account on our new board. The old green board will no longer be accepting user registrations.

In the meantime, I’m going to try to figure out how to keep the gallery during the updating process. We have about a month to keep running the outdated version of the board until DreamHost will no longer support it.

If you experience any issues retrieving your data, please contact me either here, or PM me on the new forum here.


New Forum on Domain!

Woohoo! now points to our brand new site! Please don't worry, as the old phpbb forum has not been lost. It has been backed up, and I am still working with DreamHost in order to get it back online for users to retrieve any necessary data!


UpdatesBarbara Stollupdates
Main site is down!

The green board over at is currently down due to a php update issued by Dreamhost. I’m in contact with Dreamhost right now managing the situation.

Hang tight, and feel free to register and open discussions on the new forum here.


Major construction in progress. Hold on to your hatchlings!

Hello all! This is the Webmaster speaking, and as you can clearly see, some stunning new developments are underway here at the new FinchForum website. Right now, this area has one of the ugliest, and un-bird-related URL’s imaginable! (Don’t blame me, please! I never chose it!)

Fortunately, when the move is complete, our new address will once again be restored to the beautiful, and elegant Hurray!

Whether you’re a guest, a recent member, or a longstanding veteran of our phpbb board, it is vital that you register an account here on our shiny new board. Do it sooner rather than later, and secure yourself a username, because you will be required to register on this new board once the domain has shifted, and our old green board will be permanently locked and archived!

Feel free to snoop around on the website, but with all the construction, watch out for dead ends!

