A very amazing individual with php/phpbb as a hobby has taken up the task of repairing the old FinchForum board, free of charge! He’s doing an excellent job, and the board should be back up and running in due time. Thank you all for your continued patience!
archive.finchforum.com is now live! Navigating there will still give you an error, as the original green FinchForum needs to be upgraded to a newer version in order to go live again on DreamHost. I’ll be working on that now. Stay tuned!
Our Dreamhost domain is under the process of connecting to this brand new site! Squarespace says it can take between 24 - 72 hours, so patience is a virtue. <3
For now, our FinchForum.com domain will redirect here and keep us cozy!
I’m still waiting for those hooligans over at DreamHost to get back to be regarding the green forum.